Call time: 2:45pm Location: UCLA Teaching Hospital

You would think that I am old enough and experienced enough to know that politics, be it Federal, State, International, Gender or Union, should NEVER be discussed at work. You would think, huh? But I guess I needed a tongue lashing from an over zealous jerk to remind me of that.

I will explain later.

I was booked on a movie that for right now, has no title. Its being referred to  as "untitled."  The Director is a HUGE legend in comedy. I was over joyed when I found out he was directing. I've loved his movies going back to the early 80's. They are some of the classic comedies, the type that are just not made anymore. Anyway, I was booked as a HOSPITAL VISITOR.  When I arrived at base camp they told me that was going to be an all nighter. Okay, no problem. I'll take the overtime..cha ching!

We are quite a few BGAs all working various characters; visitors, orderlies, doctors, nurses, EMTs, etc.  During our wardrobe pass, we find out that we are going to change into 4 different outfits because they are shooting every scene that takes place in the hospital on this one night. First, I'm glad I brought enough clothes because we were not told that ahead of time, second, as background whenever you have to change more than once using your own clothing they have to pay you for every clothing change. Since I'll be using my own clothes that means $$$. 

We are shuttled back to the set and our holding area. On the van ride to the set I found out that the stars of the movie are two big young actors. The female, has been nominated for an Oscar in the past and the male lead is an enormous name in the business. I'm expecting TMZ, paparazzi and swarms of female fans trying to get pictures and autographs.  But when we arrive at the hospital I see that it is relatively quiet, no fans, no paparazzi, just crew and BGAs. WOW! I'm surprised and happy because I've seen the chaos and peaceful sets are the best to work on...obviously.

The set is outside since they are all exterior shots. BGA's holding area was set up inside the hospital on the first floor. I'm glad I wore sneakers because the holding room was about a mile from the set. Okay, I'm exaggerating but it WAS far!!! I have NO IDEA what the hell they were thinking putting us so far into the hospital. We needed a map to find the damn room and then it takes us a good 5-7 minutes to get to set every time we were called. The worse part? Crafty was on the set which meant that during those late hours when coffee becomes your best friend we'd have to "travel" 5-10 minutes just for a cup of Joe. That sucks, trust me!!!

I immediately discovered the Director is a 4-take-tops-type-of-director which means the scenes will be moving along and we'll be working most of the time, not just sitting around. The actors are also top notch professionals. The male star, where not the best actor in the world, is a seasoned comedy actor. He understands comedic timing and is a wiz at improv.  I've already mentioned the female actress has been nominated for an Oscar...need I say more?

The first scene we shoot is just a walking across the street easy no problem scene.  Four takes, we move on.

The second scene will be a little more complicated. It is going to require coverage and close ups. We'll be working on this scene a bit longer. I'm standing around waiting to be placed when the 1st AD comes up to me and says, "the Director would like you to walk behind the actor and react to his gift for the female actress."   WOW!!!  Absolutely!

In the scene the actor is waiting outside the hospital by his car with a gift for the actress who I'm assuming is his girlfriend in the movie. As she steps down he walks up to her and hands her something. I don't want to give away what the gift is. Let's just say, it's an out of the ordinary type of bouquet.  Something a little strange but sweet. I am to pass behind the actor, see this gift and react to it. It's supposed to be a cute reaction, a nice smile I'm told. 

I'm placed about 100 feet away from the actor and told to start moving when he reaches her. The point is for me to be slightly to his left when he shows her the gift. That way you can see my reaction. We do one rehearsal. It works out just fine.


I go back to my starting mark. The actor gets ready.


The actor starts walking up towards the actress. I start moving as well. Just as I'm about to pass him, he shows her the gift. I look over, react, smile and keep walking.  The actors continue the scene.

CUT!  Great. The 1st AD comes over to me. Great,  just start a little sooner. Make sure you are right behind him when he gives her the gift.

Okay, let's go again.


The actor is moving towards the actress, I start moving as well. I see he's about to give her the gift I move a little faster so I'll be right behind him. He shows her the gift, I see it, react, smile, keep walking. Perfect!

We did the scene three times. The fourth time, the Director told the actor to go ahead and play, improvise. Here is where you see the real professionals, the real talent. Even though, this actor will really understands what makes a scene "funny" as opposed to playing funny. He improvised something with the car that was hilarious and in fact much funnier than what was in the script. I'd be surprised if they don't use his improv in the finished product.


Here is where the politics conversation came to be. We were shuttled to base camp for lunch. During the van trip someone made a comment about the lack of TV work for SAG members because everything is now AFTRA. I made the HUGE mistake of saying that it was SAG's fault because they tried to screw AFTRA so AFTRA went into the negotiations alone and got themselves a contract with producers. Now every new show on TV is AFTRA therefore, if you are not a member of that union (I'm not) you are pretty much screwed.  This new atmosphere in the biz regarding AFTRA's domination of new programing on TV is hurting SAG members' whose bread and butter was TV. It's hurting the ability to make enough money for Health insurance and it's damaging their Pensions.

As soon as I made the comment, this guy whips around his seat and starts telling me that I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. That SAG never, at any moment, tried to screw with AFTRA. That in fact it was AFTRA that went against their joint agreement and negotiated with producers. Blah, blah, blah....  I regret ever having said anything because this guy wouldn't stop. We got off the van and got on the line for lunch. He found me on line and continued to lecture me about the by laws and the past agreements and GOD knows what else because I had completely tuned him out.  The man who was standing behind me hears this jerk going off and decides he too would like to have his two cents worth. But  this new guy is not a SAG zealot and agreed with my comment. So now I'm sandwiched between these two dudes who are going at  it and getting fairly angry with each other. I'm looking around wondering where I can bury my head.  Finally, I see a friend of mine who's motioning for me to join her. She's behind me on the line. But I don't care at this point. I'd rather risk not getting any chicken then continue listening to these two idiots go at it.

So take my advise. Keep your political views, of any kind, to yourself unless you are home with friends where you can yell and curse at each other but still hug and kiss after.


My evening of idiots did not end there my friends.  For whatever the reason, I attract the weirdos, jerks and mentally disturbed. It is now almost 1:00am in the morning. I'm tired, I'm cold and a little cranky. For the next scene, I'm giving a "friend" to walk with. We are supposed to be walking towards the hospital, obviously to visit a sick friend (okay, that's the "intention" I'm giving myself...I AM an actress you know!!) Anyway, we are set up down the walkway to the hospital and told to start walking towards the entrance on BACKGROUND.

My walking partner (whom I shall call BILL for story purposes)  and I are standing around waiting for the Director and actors to talk and discuss the scene. I see that Bill is upset, perturbed is a better word. I ask, "Are you okay?"  He responds, "No, I'm very pissed off."  He then goes on a tirade about his investors and how dare they pull the money without first discussing the issues with him and that his producing partners need to take care of things, blah, blah , blah.    So what is the logical thing to ask? "Oh, you are producing a movie?"  He responds, "No, a documentary about what's really happening in Afghanistan."   He then whips out his IPhone and gives me his sales trailer to watch. I watched it. Okay, it was...interesting. Whatever, the point is, he supposedly got investors to put up over $400,000 for him and his "team" to go to Afghanistan and interview the troops about the war. Good for him. That is not why I referred to him as an idiot. The idiot part came later when he wouldn't stop telling me how amazing he was (has worked for the biggest and most powerful people in Hollywood) and how many projects he had produced (Cuba Gooding Jr. is his "boy." He apparently hangs out with him all the time) and how much money he had raised (over $23 million).  I let him go on and on. After he's done praising himself,  I very calmly ask, "If you are such a big time producer and know so many players in Hollywood, why are you standing here at 2:00am in the morning doing background work on a movie that doesn't even have a title yet?"    Silence.

There really is no need for me to continue with the story. He danced around my question, saying something about "a favor to a friend."   Yeah, and I'm Julia Roberts working incognito as a favor to the Director.

We wrapped at 5:30am. It was a long night and I was very tired. But the money is going to be really good, lots of overtime, meal penalties, clothing changes, etc.  I signed out, got in my car and drove home. Driving home I wondered if perhaps one day, when I'm a HUGE producer, Bill will work for me and that SAG guy, I'll even hire background of course.


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